Title of Project | Name of Investigators | Department Sanctioned | Year of Sanction | Year of Completion | Amount Sanctioned (in Lakhs) | Sponsoring Agency |
Study of Distribution of Counter Ions Around Micelles of Divalent Surfactants, Photon Factory, Tsukuba, Japan | P. S. Goyal | Electronics Engineering | 2014 | 13th - 21st May, 2014 | 0.96 | DST |
To Attend Conference on "Physics Meets Biology" at Oxford University, UK | Mahendara Khandkar | ASM | 2012 | 2012 | 0.8 | DST |
Study of Spin Synamics in Magnetic Glass Phase of Half-dopped Manganite, PSI, Viligen, Switzerland | P. S. Goyal | Electronics Engineering | 2010 | 16th - 28th Oct, 2010 | 0.9 | DST |
Non-Debye Specific Heat and Tunneling in Orientationally Disordered Solid [(NH4)x Rb1-x] I, PSI, Viligen, Switzerland | P. S. Goyal | Electronics Engineering | 2009 | 5th - 12th Dec, 2009 | 0.97 | DST |