- M.E.
2016: Pillai Institute of Information Technology in Information Technology - B.E.
2012: MGM’s College of Engineering in Computer Engineering
Enterprise Network Design, Operating System, Big Data Analytics, Intelligent System
Important Publications
- “Cyber Bully Indicator ” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume: 05 Issue: 03.2021.
- “Emulating real world Strategic Intelligence using Artificial Intelligence in gaming” in International Journal For Science And Advance Research In Technology(IJSART) Volume: 07 Issue: 05 ,2020-21.
- “Social media caption generator using deep learning approach” in International Journal For Science And Advance Research In Technology(IJSART) Volume: 07 Issue: 05.
- “Emulating real world strategic intelligence using artificial intelligence in gaming” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume: 05 Issue: 03.
- “Detection Of Cyberbully Sentiments In Social Media Channels” in International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)Volume: 05 Issue: 05
- Attended 3 days National Level ONLINE Faculty Development Program on “Protecting You in Cyberspace”.
- Attended International Faculty Development Program on “Digital Teaching and Learning Environment”
- Vibhakti Identification Techniques for Sanskritat International Conference on “Nascent Technologies in the Engineering Field” (ICNTE January 2015)
- Vibhakti Identification Approach for Sanskrit Nounsat International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science, ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume 4, Issue 12, December, 2015
Awards and Recognitions
- Recommendation Systems with TensorFlow on GCP by Google Cloud in association with Coursera.
- Network Security & Database Vulnerabilities by IBM in association with Coursera.
- IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts by Google in association with Coursera.
- Security and Privacy for Big Data – Part 1 by EIT Digital in association with Coursera.
- Security and Privacy for Big Data – Part 2 by EIT Digital in association with Coursera.
- Introduction to Big Data by University of California San Diego in association with Coursera.
- Introduction to HTML5 by University of Michigan in association with Coursera.
- Certificate for attending “STTP on ”Data Science And Bigdata Analytics” organized by Fr.C.R.I.T vashi
- Attended and certified Scilab Training conducted by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay
- Certificate for “ International conference on “Smart Cities And Bigdata Analytics”
- Certificate for “Faculty Development For Value Education and Self Development” program conducted by heartfulness institute
- Certificate for “Participated in ISTE Workshop on “Computer Programming” conducted by IIT Bombay
- Certificate for “Participated in ISTE Workshop on “Computer Networking” conducted by IIT Bombay