- Ph.D.
2017: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay - M.Tech.
2004: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay - B.E.
1997: Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (Formerly Visvesvaraya Regional College of Engineering), Nagpur
Research and Consultancy
- Mumbai University Minor Research Grant in 2009-10(Rs.45,000/-)
Fabrication of low cost Injection Moulding Machine(PI) - BRNS Grant (3years)2015-2018 (Rs. 29,00,000/-)
Development of CNT based membranes for ultrafiltration of water(Co PI) - AQIS-RPS ( 2years) 2017-2019(Rs. 11,50,000/-)
Development of Biaxial testing machine for testing of soft flexible materials and polymers(Co-PI) - Mumbai University Minor Research Grant in 2018-19(Rs.50,000/-)
Development of Glass Ceramic composites and their mechanical properties evaluation(PI)
Research Areas
Ceramic synthesis and processing, Powder Injection moulding for composites Sol gel processing of bioactive ceramics, Polymer composite membrane, Natural reinforced polymer membranes
Vehicle Safety, Automotive Materials, Materials and Metallurgy, Material Technology, Engineering Mechanics, Rapid Manufacturing, Engineering Metallurgy, Environmental Engg and Thermal pollution, Manufacturing Processes, Planning and Systems
Important Publications
- P. Divya, A. Singhal, Deepak K. Pattanayak and T. R. Rama Mohan, “Injection Moulding of Titanium Metal and AW-PMMA Composite Powders”, Trends in Biomaterial and Artificial Organs, 2005, 18(2) more…
- D. K. Pattanayak, P. Divya, S. Upadhyay, R. C. Prasad, B. T. Rao and T. R. Ramamohan, “Synthesis and Evaluation of Hydroxyapatite Ceramics”, Trends in Biomaterial and Artificial Organs, 2005, 18(2) more…
- Divya P. and Bhargava P., “Salt Assisted Synthesis of Nanozirconia”, Transactions of Powder Metallurgy Association of India, 2015, 41(1) more…
- Divya P. and Bhargava P., “A Simplified Process for Synthesis of Nanozirconia”, Advanced Science Letters, 2016, 22 more…
- A. Prabhudesai, Divya P. and P. M. Dhatrak, “Fatigue Life Predictions of Dental Implants”, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Computing Research, 2017, 5(5) more…
- Priya S., Divya P., “Zirconia Toughened Alumina by Slip Casting and Evaluation of its Flexure Behavior”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume: 6, No. 1, 2019
Awards and Recognitions
- Recognized Post Graduate Teacher – University of Mumbai
- Recognized Ph.D. Guide – University of Mumbai
- Innovation Ambassador
- Mentor Award-Avishkar Research Convention-Mumbai University 2021-PG Category